Third-Party Risk Management


Over the past decade, organizations have increased their engagement with suppliers in order to gain access to specialist expertise, streamline their processes, and improve productivity. At the same time, third-party risk has increased and is now seen as one of the top 5 risks for the financial services sector. This interactive 1-day course has been structured to enable participants to reflect on practical ways of building an effective third-party framework to remain at the forefront of industry developments and regulatory expectations. This essential course is packed with practical tips and hints and ends with Make A Difference discussion, where attendees share their take-aways that will make a real difference to their organization.


Target group

Enterprise and Operational Risk Management, Third Party Risk Management, Vendor Risk Management, Business Continuity, Operational Resilience, IT and Technology, Internal Audit, Regulators




The price of the course is 875 euro per participant. VAT will be added to the price. The registration fee will be charged after the course. Last date of registration is 22.10.2024.


Delivery method



Online course

Classroom course

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